b'The Institute curriculum has always gone be-yondclassroominstructionatTulaneLaw School to afford participants practical wisdom about legislative drafting. Each year, we travel toLouisianasStateCapitolinBatonRouge, wheredraftingstaffoffervaluableinsights drawn from their own years of experience.Participants visit House and Senate commit-tee rooms to learn how legislators, staff, and the public interact during committee hearings, including a demonstration of audio-visual ca- pabilitiesthatfacilitatetransparencyinthe legislative process. WhentheLouisianaLegislatureisinses-sion, we observe deliberations on the House or Senate floor. In years when the legislature is not in session, participants may go onto the floor and up on the dais in each chamber, while staff describe how presiding officers and clerks govern the proceedings, how the media cover them, and where lobbyists and the public are permitted to engage with members.'