b'The International Legislative Drafting Insti-tute derives its pedagogical power from the strength of its instructors. Since 1995, Insti-tute participants have received training from someofthemostcapableandexperienced drafters on the globe.Garth Thornton (Legislative Drafting) and RichardWydick(PlainEnglishforLawyers) sharedtheirwisdomonmultipleoccasions with Institute graduates, who enjoyed a unique opportunity to see them brought together in the classroom. The Guidebook celebrates their presenceattheInstituteinaPhotoGallery and two remembrances in the Reflections sec-tion, where we reprint Garths Reflections on a Career in Legislative Drafting.Legislativedraftingexpertsfromaround theworldhaveenrichedtheInstitutesince itsinception25yearsago.TheGuidebook marks this quarter-of-a-century milestone by presenting the distilled wisdom of 18 speak-ers who have written articles in their diverse areas of expertise, addressing issues of local, national, and international importance.'